Christmas Advent Christ's Birth
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Christmas Advent: Humble Beginnings

It’s December which means it’s time for a Christmas Advent! For the next 3 1/2 weeks we will be covering different topics related to the birth of Christ and the hope it brings us. This week we are looking at Christ’s humble beginnings.

Day 15: A King Becomes a Baby

The King of kings humbled Himself, became a man, a baby in fact, and came to a world that would reject Him. He had the power to come down in burst of light with hosts of angels singing His praises, and yet He came as a baby. He came in such a humble state so that He could bare our sins on the cross.

There was no fanfare, no palace, no riches, and no crown for Him, but He came anyways. All for us.



Day 16: Laid in a Manger

The birth of Christ is often depicted in a stable surrounded by animals. However, the Word of God does not indicate where exactly He was born.  We do know that they could not find room in the inns in Bethlehem so when Jesus was born He was laid in a manger.

Today we have all sorts of technology and products available to keep a baby safe and comfortable. Many of us had the privilege of being born in hospital. The Kings of kings was born and laid in a feeding trough for farm animals.



Day 17: Born to a Carpenter

Jesus was the Son of God, but He took on earthly parents when He arrived on earth. His earthly father was a simple man, a carpenter, of no great significance. Although he had no grand title he was kind to Mary when he learned of her pregnancy and followed the instructions of the Lord.

Joseph was chosen intentionally just as Mary was chosen. God knew that Joseph would follow His commands and help to raise Jesus as his own. He may not have been a mighty or powerful man, but He was exactly who God desired to fulfill His plan.


Day 18: Born to a Young Mother

Mary would have been a young teenager when the angel came to give her the news of a baby. Although she seemed an unlikely candidate by our standards, she was chosen by the Lord to bear a son who would become the Savior of the world.

She was not afraid, but asked simply how such a thing could be as she was a virgin. The answer from the angel gave her all the peace she needed, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

Her response was simple and telling “Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1)


Day 19: Born in a Small Town

Christ was not born in some grand metropolis, but in the small town of Bethlehem which, due to the influx for the census, didn’t have enough room for Mary and Joseph to stay in an inn.

It was a fulfillment of the prophecy given in Micah 5:2. A sign of His Davidic descendancy.





Day 20: Humbled Guests

Although we would expect the Messiah to be like a scene out of the Lion King, that was not the case. There were not crowds of people nor was he lifted high for all to see.

The guests of honor were invited by angels as they were watching over their sheep. What an honor to be the chosen guests of the Savior.





Day 21: Humble in Birth, Humble in Life

Christ came not to be worshipped, extolled, or raised up above everyone else, but to die for our sins.

He did not boast, He was not prideful, and yet He deserved worship, praise, and honor above all else.

Let’s praise the One who came for all!

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